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Bolau, H., 1900. Das Ende des Indischen Nashorns im Hamburger Zoologischen Garten. Zoologische Garten A.F. 41 (11): 334-336

Location: Captive - Europe
Subject: Morphology - Horn
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Hamburg Zoo, old male Rhinoceros unicornis . A bad habit of this animal had given it much hurt during its last years. He used to rub the horn on the nose against the walls and wooden planks, never at the fence around the enclosure. The horn never grew to any length. To reduce the effects of this habit, when the new pachyderm house was built twenty years ago, I made the walls of the inside enclosure as smooth as possible, and outside we put planks in all shapes against the walls. Still at the end a bad wound was found around the horn, which became increasingly big and started to attack the bony parts of the head. Nothing that we did could change this. When the animal then developed a disease in the kidneys, we decided to euthanize it.

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