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Hazewinkel, J.C., 1932. A rhino-hunt in Sumatra. Java Gazette 1 (5) Suppl: i-viii, figs. 1-10

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Sumatra
Subject: Behaviour - Towards Man
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
But Allah be praised, that day our luck was really incredible. We had been scouring the bush for five days, without the tiniest bit of luck. Then, when least expected, our friend passed at less than a hundred yards from the very ladang we had chosen for our camp. This sounds unbelievable, for the Rhino is known to be particularly shy, giving inhabited places always a wide berth. But this one, as I had occasion enough to learn on my previous trips even dared to cross the larger inhabited ladangs nearer the villages. According to all concerned, the brute could not have gone far. So we had a fair chance.

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