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Hoogerwerf, A., 1938. Among rhino and Javanese wild ox (banteng) in the Oedjoeng Koelon Game Reserve. Nature Protection in the Netherlands Indies Dept. of Economic Affairs, Batavia: 9-14, figs. 1-6

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Java
Subject: Ecology - Habitat
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
The number of old rhino paths near the rivers, however, is quite large. I found these typical gullied paths, leading to the water, along every river I visited. These paths, so deeply worn into the hard river banks, must have been used for many years. They date most probably from a far distant period, when the number of rhinos was much greater than it is now, though the present number may still be adequate to keep the species from extinction, as may be supposed when we consider the data now in our possession.
One night we heard a tremendous crashing of bamboo in a grove not far from the bivouac I had made near the Tjikarang River. On going to the spot next morning we found that a rhino had smashed several fairly thick bamboos to pass through the dense vegetation. The spoor indicated that the rhino had descended to the river, had followed it for a few score yards in our direction, and then had crossed to the other side, to disappear quietly into the bush.

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