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Bland-Sutton, J., 1911. Man and beast in Eastern Ethiopia: from observations made in British East Africa, Uganda, and the Sudan. London, MacMillan and Co, pp. i-xii, 1-419

Location: World
Subject: Value - Related to Horn
Species: All Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
Rhinoceros horn is used for making handles for walking sticks and umbrellas, it is easily cut with a knife and if a fragment be soaked in weak caustic alkali solution it will soften and flake in the same way that our finger nails and patches of hard skin soften under the influences of soap and water.
The long front horn of the rhinoceros is sometimes fashioned into sticks to beat cattle and goats, and occasionally it is made into clubs for Masai orators and councillors. In the south-west of Kordofan the natives have a tradition that anyone who drinks out of a cup made from a rhinoceros horn never gets sick. In some parts of the East such cups are supposed to neutralise poisons poured into them.

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