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Daly, M., 1937. Big game hunting and adventure 1887-1936. London, MacMillan, pp. i-xi, 1-322

Location: World
Subject: Ecology - Interspecific Relations
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Rhinos are sometimes taken by crocodiles through their own stupidity. A croc will never tackle a rhino while actually drinking, as it will a buffalo, by grabbing or closing its great jaws over the mouth, but waits till the rhino turns leisurely to walk out. Then it fastens on to one or other of the back legs. The rhino, feeling the grip, will try to swing round on three legs to knock the croc. off; it thereby loses much ground and backs further in, pulled by the croc., at the same time to deep and deeper waters, where it finally disappears and is drowned. If the rhino would only keep on lunging forward on towards dry ground the croc. would sooner or later have to let it go, unless it happened to be one of the giant crocs. found in the west. Instead of this it really helps the croc. by trying to reach it with its horns at an impossible angle and backs itself into deep water. I saw one pulled in and down under this same way in the Limpopo River just as described above.

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