user: pass:

Knollys, A.C.; Lyell, D.D., 1932. Rhinoceros: pp. 113-115

In: Maydon, H.C. Big game shooting in Africa. London, Seeley, Service and Co (The Lonsdale Library, vol. 14): pp. 1-445

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Subject: Behaviour - Towards Man
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Attack on train in Kenya
The Black Rhino is pig-like both mentally and physically and little or no provocation is required to make it take the offensive. On at least one occasion in the earlier days of the Kenya-Uganda railway it charged an approaching train, meeting it obliquely near the front portion. As might be supposed the train got the better of the encounter and knocked the Rhino over. Nothing daunted, however, the enraged beast got on to his legs and made a second attack, with the same result, when, thoroughly disgruntled, he limped off into the bush.

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