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Bruton, R., 1963. The rhinos of South-East Asia. Conservation News 1963 August: 5-10, figs. 1-6, maps 1-2

Location: World
Subject: Behaviour - Daily Routine
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Both Sumatran and Javan rhinos appear to move over fairly large areas during their daily travels. They move in search of food and between their favorite wallowing places and salt-licks. In some cases these rhinos are known to make rather long seasonal migrations, living in naturally dry areas during the wet season and in naturally wet areas in the dry season. There are also stories of javan rhinos moving over thousands of miles. One old hunter in Vietnam found a musket ball in a rhino which he was certain the animal received in Bengal. Considering the climatic and cultural conditions in this region, however, it hardly seems possible that a rhino could find a suitable and safe corridor between two such distant places.

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