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Anonymous, 1983. Reports confirm northern white rhino close to extinction. Newsletter of the African Elephant and Rhino Group 2: 10

Location: World
Subject: Conservation
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Proposals for conservation of Ceratotherium simum cottoni. It is suggested that the priority actions are:
1. Conservation action first and foremost for the rhinos in Garamba in the context of re-development of functional conservation in the Park and of other aspects of the ecosystem, with close monitoring on the progress of such, and contingency plans.
2. The 'intermediate' aid to Shambe and further aid to anti-poaching and/or rhino capture in Sudan as seen fit.
3. Negotiation of the possibility of catching some rhinos in Sudan for temporary improved protection.
4. Negotiation of the possibilities of forming a second breeding nucleus by amalgamating singletons and others with no future.
5. Investigation of the situation in C.A.R.
6. Consideration of aid for the group at Dvur Kralove if required.
AERSG are still concerned that there be guaranteed plans for captive breeding should in situ conservation efforts fail.

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