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Carbou, H., 1912. La region du Tchad et du Ouadai: etudes ethnographiques. Paris, Ernest Leroux, vol. 1, pp. i-iii, 1-380

Location: Africa - Western Africa - Chad
Subject: Behaviour - Towards Man
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
The rhinoceros is the most stupid animal imaginable. His idiotic fury makes it a very dangerous animal. When one encounters a rhinoceros in the bush, he generally does what all animals do: he runs away. It is, however, not strange to be charged by a rhinoceros when one does not even know its presence. There are a few examples. A poor woman on her way to the market was turned back by a rhinoceros who just ate her bread. A group of local people who followed a path were sent scattering in the same way, and one of them was followed and was helped up a tree by a push of the horn. A group on the hunt was also attacked and scattered. An Arab leading a cow was charged by a rhinoceros who impaled the cow. In the areas where they are common, the rhinoceroses often enter villages, killing and wounding a number of people. And finally, to mention a personal adventure, one day on the backs of the Chari, we were charged by a rhinoceros which we had not seen. He came on us unexpectedly. The animal is in fact dangerous in areas with many tall bushes.

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