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Klingel, H.; Klingel, U., 1966. The rhinoceroses of Ngorongoro Crater. Oryx 8 (5): 302-306, figs. 1-5, map 1

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Tanzania
Subject: Ecology - Census Methods
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
One of the most important problems was how to identify and recognise individual rhinos. We found that the shape of the horns, crippled or otherwise deformed ears, prominent scars on the body, the state of the tail and the sex of the animal provided sufficient details for the recognition of all individuals in this small population. We used a system of file cards, each with Close-up photographs (taken with a 400 mm Novoflex lens) of the head of the animal from both sides, and a detailed description of its other characteristics. Mr John Goddard, of the Tanzania Game Division, is continuing the work with a duplicate set of our file cards.

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