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Stelfox, J.G.; Kufwafwa, J.W.; Ottichila, W.K., 1984. Monitoring elephant and rhino trends in Kenya. Pachyderm 4: 15

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Subject: Ecology - Census Methods
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
KREMu surveys - aerial. The aerial surveys were conducted along straightline transects in which the two rear-seat observers counted all animals observed within a strip of land 112 m wide on each side of the aircraft while the Cessna 185 aircraft flew at 91 m (300 ft) above ground level at a speed of 150 kph. Transects were spaced 10 km apart in 1977 (2.2% sampling intensity) and 5 km apart in 1978 (4.4% sampling intensity). During 1980 and 1981 surveys were conducted with two Parienavia aircraft. The 1980 strip width was 125 m on each side of the aircraft (5.0% sampling intensity), while in 1981 northern Kenya surveys, the strip width was 200 m, giving a sampling intensity of 8.0%.
The 1977 and 1978 surveys of southern Kenya were conducted during the wet (January-May) season while the 1980 surveys were during the dry (July-October) season. The northern Kenya surveys in 1977 and 1978 were dry (August-October) season while the 1981 surveys were wet (February-April) season. This provided useful information on the distributions of animals during both wet and dry seasons.

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