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Faunthorpe, J.C., 1924. Jungle life in India, Burma, and Nepal: some notes on the Faunthorpe-Vernay Expedition of 1923. Natural History 24 (2): 174-198, figs. 1-20, map 1

Location: Asia - South Asia - Nepal
Subject: Morphology - Size
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
He was a big and very old male, whose horn had been splintered and worn down to about 8 inches by digging or fighting.
I saw the rhino still in the water and managed to get up near him just as he was leaving the pool. This proved to be a fine male with a horn rneasuring 12 ? inches. He had evidently been fighting and had festering incised wounds on flank and in stomach.
On returning to camp I found that Vernay had accounted for the other rhino, also a very fine male, with a horn more than 12 inches in length.

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