user: pass:

Balen, J.H. van, 1914. De dierenwereld van Insulinde in woord en beeld, I: De zoogdieren. Deventer, J.C. van der Burgh, pp. i-vii, i-xi, 1-505

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Java
Subject: Ecology - Food
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
The food of the rhinoceros consists of all kinds of leaves, grass, thin branches etc. He likes the leaves of Ficus nivea and Ficus fistulosa, young sprouts of the bamboo, glaga, alang alang. In remote plantations of coffee or other crops it can often do a lot of damage, for which reason there is a premium of 16 guilders for each one that is killed.

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