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Hoogerwerf, A., 1938. Among rhino and Javanese wild ox (banteng) in the Oedjoeng Koelon Game Reserve. Nature Protection in the Netherlands Indies Dept. of Economic Affairs, Batavia: 9-14, figs. 1-6

Location: World
Subject: Ecology - Food
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
One of the animals had pushed down a tree of about six inches in diameter, which was now lying with its roots exposed, apparently to reach the foliage and the thin topmost twigs that had been consumed leaves and all. The animal had not eaten much, however, a fact which I noticed later in other instances. A large number of trees, overturned or uprooted by rhinos, were examined, and it seemed to me that the badak (rhinoceros) had done this to reach the leaves and the topmost twigs, though but little of it had been consumed.

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