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Skinner, J.D.; Smithers, R.H.N., 1990. The mammals of the southern African subregion, new edition. Pretoria, University of Pretoria, pp. i-xxxii, 1-771

Location: World
Subject: Morphology - Horn
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
The horns, which are composed of a mass of tubular filaments similar in substance to hair, are outgrowths of the skin and are not attached to the bone of the skull. The front is almost invariably longer than the hind, 1,58 m being the record length of a front horn from the Subregion (Best & Best, 1977), its accompanying rear horn 0,566 m. In the white rhinoceros, C. s. simum, the front horn has a straighter transverse edge in front.

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