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Brooks, M., 1997. Chairman's report: African Rhino Specialist Group. Pachyderm 24: 11-13

Location: World
Subject: Trade
Species: All Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
African Rhino Specialist Group. Limited time was left for discussion of the proposed annotated downlisting of South Africa's white rhino population to allow a regulated trade in horn some time in the future, but with an initial zero quota. This proposal sought support for the continued efforts by South Africa to investigate the desirability of opening the trade, and in particular to continue the development and investigation of possible control measures to prevent illegal laundering of horn which might threaten other taxa of rhino. IUCN did not make any interventions from the floor. The white rhino proposal was narrowly defeated, just failing to achieve the necessary two-thirds majority. When the South African proposal was put to a secret ballot later in the proceedings, it again got a majority of votes, although with a significantly reduced majority.
Indicators of Success. These indicators should in future evaluate policy interventions pursuant to CITES. A workshop is called for.

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