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Stigand, C.H., 1913. Hunting the elephant in Africa and other recollections of thirteen years' wanderings. London, MacMillan, pp. i-xv, 1-379

Location: World
Subject: Diseases
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Rhino, in spite of the thickness of their skin, appear very subject to sores. There are almost always large sores on the chest or stomach, and often enormous festering sores on other parts of the body. They frequently, too, are cut and gashed about, these being probably caused by fighting together. A female I shot once amongst other gashes, had one vertical one extending from the centre of the back almost to the stomach. That is to say, it went nearly halfway round her body. It seems almost inconceivable that such a wound could have been inflicted with a prod of another's horn, and yet I cannot think of any other cause to which it could be attributed.

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