user: pass:

Manz, J.; Gruber, S.; Steger, G., 1978. Bestimmung serologischer O-Gruppen von Escherichia coli aus Bestaenden des Tiergartens Nuernberg. Verhandlungsbericht des Internationalen Symposiums uber die Erkrankungen der Zootiere 20: 31-35, fig. 1, table 1
Location: World
Subject: Diseases
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Infection with E.coli is still a common reason of death for new born animals. The intestinal flora of healthy animals was examined, and from the dung of Ceratotherium simum in the Zoo in N?rnberg, Germany samples were taken. The rhino had O-group 89, different from all other mammals examined. It seems that the transmission of germs does not play much of a role in the death of animals.

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