user: pass:

Bigalke, R.D.; Keep, M.E.; Keep, P.J.; Schoeman, J.H., 1970. A large Babesia sp. and a Theileria-like piroplasm of the square-lipped rhinoceros. Journal of the South African Veterinary Medicine Association 41 (4): 292-294, figs. 1-2, table 1

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Ecology - Population
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
A total number of 106 animals were involved of which 64 were adults, 27 subadults and 15 calves. Individuals still accompanied by an adult cow were regarded as calves; except for one animal, which was about two months old, their ages were probably between nine months and three years. Those considered to be subadults were not accompanied by an adult female, but were not fully grown; they were thought to be between three and seven years of age. Adults were fully grown animals.

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