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Wilhelm, J.H., 1950. Das Wild des Okawangogebietes und des Caprivizipfels. Journal of the South-West Africa Scientific Society 7: 1-7

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - Namibia
Subject: Behaviour - Daily Routine
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
At night it walks to drink in the rivers or large pans in the Omuramben. Deep paths lead to the individual drinking places and from there back into the thornbush, where the rhino has many sleeping places. Many paths lead to these resting places, which are often found under a large shadowy tree. The rhino rests lying on its belly, the eras constantly moving. Oxpeckers sit on his back or in a nearby tree and warn against danger. Its cry and flight warn the rhino of danger nearby. In the late afternoon the rhino starts to walk around again, often quite far.

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