user: pass:

Powell Cotton, P.H.G., 1932. Black rhinoceros hunting: pp. 115-119

In: Maydon, H.C. Big game shooting in Africa. London, Seeley, Service and Co (The Lonsdale Library, vol. 14): pp. 1-445

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Sudan
Subject: Ecology - Interspecific Relations
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
One April night the stillness was broken by the hungry grunting of a Lion close to camp, and in the early morning we set out in search of tracks. Suddenly we caught sight of a Rhino, stretched at ease, head from us, with a number of Rhinoceros birds moving about its back. To fire at a prostrate animal is unsatisfactory, but the question was how to bring the beast to its feet without disturbing the birds, which we knew would flit up and down the Rhino head at first sign of us, and screech loudly. Fearing that this alarm from its faithful little followers might put the Rhino to instant flight, I calculated the position of its heart as well as possible, and fired as lie lay.

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