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Foose, T.J.; Strien, N.J. van, 1998. Conservation programmes for Sumatran and Javan rhinos in Indonesia and Malaysia. Pachyderm 26: 100-115, figs. 1-11, tables 1-3

Location: World
Subject: Taxonomy - Evolution
Species: Fossil

Original text on this topic:
As a final observation, the Sumatran rhino is also known as the 'hairy rhino', because under certain conditions, individuals of the species will develop a rather thick and long coat of hair. This hairy rhino is probably related to the Woolly rhino that lived in Eurasia during the Ice Ages of the Pleistocene. There is compelling, although circumstantial, evidence from the fossil record that humans caused the extinction of the woolly rhino at the end of the ice Ages. Now, the hairy rhino is also on the brink of extinction. A small but growing and determined group of conservationists is trying to ensure that humans do not commit the same crime twice.

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