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Carpenter, G.G., 1924. Letter on the white rhinoceros. Journal of the Royal African Society 24 (93): 76

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Sudan
Subject: Trade
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Until December 1922 one was allowed an a licence. Since then they have been prohibited, except west of 28? Longitude, and then only one in a lifetime.
During these three years very few were shot on licences-I could not quote the figures, but they can be obtained from the Game Warden. I should say they were not more than 25.
Dr. Christy's sweeping statement would therefore imply that nearly 3,000 White Rhino have been killed in five years over and above those licensed.
This is a most unfair attack on the Game Preservation Department of the Sudan and on the officials stationed there. The exceptional co-operation of all officials with the Game Preservation Department make the carrying out of game laws in the Sudan the admiration of all sportsmen and naturalists and the disgust of all butchers of game. No American or Press aid is necessary for the protection of the White Rhino. In fact he was probably never so numerous as he is today since the Lado was administered by the Sudan Government.
Dr. Christy's alleged ' killing out,' therefore, requires some amplification in order to be taken seriously by anyone possessing even an elementary knowledge of the subject and I challenge him to support his statements by facts.

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