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Giran, P., 1912. Magie & religion annamites: introduction ? une philosophie de la civilisation du peuple d'Annam. Paris, Augustin Challamel, pp. 1, i-v, 1-449

Location: Asia - East Asia - Indochina
Subject: Value - Related to Horn
Species: Asian Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
We notice that the magical powers can as well reside in a part of the animal as it can in the animal in its entirety. The horn of the rhinoceros ... is as powerful as the animal to which the object belongs.
Those who can obtain a rhinoceros horn and mould it in the form of a fish, if this object is held between the teeth, can descend without danger, like the rhinoceros or the fish, to the bottom of the water. One who finds a horn which is 3 thiroc long, becomes amphibious.
A talisman which is much appreciated is the 'con ngoc', the animal-pearl, a growth which comes from the body of certain animals when they are very old. The elpehant has them on its tusks, deer between the antlers, and the rhinoceros at the end of the horn. It gives to him who can obtain one incomparable qualities. It can make one invulnerable or even invisible.

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