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Daly, M., 1937. Big game hunting and adventure 1887-1936. London, MacMillan, pp. i-xi, 1-322

Location: Africa - Western Africa
Subject: Ecology - Habitat
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
West Africa. Their natural habitation was the soft green, thornless bush country and were often to be met with in parties of three to a dozen and more, browsing in the open like great cattle. While the slaughter was at its height many of the survivors took to heavy country, where this class of hunter dare not follow, and are to be found there now changing their habits, as the elephant had to do, from open bush country to dark jungles. Many took to the great matteti reeds, which they are also fond of; but when the rains pass and the dry season sets in they are driven out of this fairly safe (in wet weather) cover by the great annual fires. It was during those great fires that many thousands of them were slaughtered by large organized parties prepared for such.

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