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Khan, M., 1989. Asian Rhinos: an action plan for their conservation. Gland, IUCN, pp. i-iv, 1-23

Location: World
Subject: Conservation
Species: Sumatran Rhino

Original text on this topic:
1. To develop populations of at least 700-1000 rhinos in each of the mahjor regions of its range: Sumatra, Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia, and North-East Burma.
2. To preserve, manage and where appropriate expand all populations that have the potential to increase to 100 animals or more.
3. To determine if the populations in each major part of its range constitute valid subspecies or evolutionary significant units (ESUs), justifying preservation as separate entities by conservation programmes.
4. To locate or establish additional viable populations, especially on the mainland and Borneo.
5. To develop a captive population of 150 rhinos distributed in zoos worldwide: South-east Asia, North America, and Europe. Establish this captive population with at least 20 pairs of founders from the wild.
6. To experiment with the gene pool concept.
7. To continue efforts to close down the trade in rhino products.
General Recommendations
a. Concentrate initial in situ conservation efforts on the seven, or so, populations considered to be reasonably viable according to current information and analysis.
b. Calculate the resources currently available and additionally required to provide adequate protection for these populations.
c. Ensure improved legal protection status of all areas with viable, or potentially viable, populations (particular attention to be given to Kerinci-Seblat in Sumatra and Endau Rompin in Peninsular Malaysia).
d. Conduct biochemical genetic studies, initially using blood and tissue from captive animals, to investigate if there is more than one ESU in this species.
e. Organise surveys as soon as possible in Kalimantan (highest priority), Thailand, and northern Burma to ascertain whether appreciable populations of rhino survive there.
f. Continue the capture of ?doomed' animals to provide founders for the captive population and the gene pool experiments, as well as stock for possible translocation after sufficient animals have been obtained for the ex situ programmes.
g. Develop an experimental ?gene pool' in order to learn as much as possible about the management of animals (initially at Sungai Dusun in Peninsular Malaysia).
h. Manage the captive animals as part of the overall conservation programme for the species, and discourage all movements of captive rhinos (including as gifts), unless this is endorsed by IUCN.

i. Improve the effectiveness of law enforcement throughout the species' range with respect to anti-poaching measures and trading in Sumatran rhinoceros products. The strictest possible penalties should be applied to offenders.

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