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Evans, G.H., 1905. Notes on rhinoceroses in Burma, R. sondaicus and sumatrensis. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 16 (4): 555-561

Location: Asia
Subject: Ecology - Habitat
Species: Sumatran Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Both species in this country show a decided preference for hilly tracts and even mountainous country. In the hot season they are invariably found in hilly or mountainous country, by no means necessarily well wooded, but where shade is sufficient. They rarely range far from the perennial streams in which there are usually numerous pools of cool water and abundant shade. Those streams with rocky and shingly beds are preferred. The feeder streams or gullies are also worth visiting. They are extremely partial to water and enter the pools during the night and also visit them during of the day. In suitable places there are regular mud baths or wallows, some large and patronized by elephants, etc., and others much smaller.

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