user: pass:

Smithers, R.H.N., 1966. The mammals of Rhodesia, Zambia and Malawi. London, Collins

Location: World
Subject: Morphology - Horn
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Two horns, composed of fused epi- dermal cells, arising from the skin on the snout, the front longer than the rear. The front horn averaging, in Natal, about 24 inches and more slender than in the Black Rhino, normally curved gently backwards, the upper part in the front usually slightly flattened through contact with the ground. Aberrant front horns known, these straight and pointing forwards at an angle. The posterior horn as a rule straight, conical and laterally flattened and nearly square at the base, averaging about 9 inches. Horns of cows more slender than those of the bulls and usually longer.

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