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Sclater, W.L., 1891. Catalogue of Mammalia in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. Calcutta, Indian Museum, vol. 2, pp. i-xxix, 1-375

Location: World
Subject: Taxonomy
Species: All Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
Key of the Indian Species
a. With one horn only, skull with the post-tympanic and post-glenoid processes of the squamosal bone united for a considerable extent below the meatus auditorium.
b.Upper lip rounded off; the posterior neck-fold does not unite with the anterior one to form a saddle; skull with the vomer anchylosed to the skull, and with basi-sphenoid and basi-occipital bones wide and flattened. = R. unicornis
b2. Upper lip produced into a short proboscis; the posterior neck-fold unites with the anterior one tafonn a saddle on the neck; skull with the vomer ending freely poster!orly in a jagged point frequently broken oiF; the basisl)lienoid and basi-occipital very much narrowed and steep at the sides; an ossified mesethmoid present. = R. sondaicus
a2. With two horns, skull with the post-tympanic and post-glenoid processes of the squamosal separated so as to form an open groove.
c. Ears hairy inside; no long fringe of hairs along the ear conch ; skull narrow and tooth row short. = R. sumatrensis
c2.Ears not hairy inside, a lono, fringe of hairs along the edge of the ear conch; skull broader and with a longer tooth row. = R. lasiotis.

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