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Foster, J.B., 1967. The square-lipped rhino (Ceratotherium simum cottoni (Lydekker)) in Uganda. East African Wildlife Journal 5: 167-171, fig. 1

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Uganda
Subject: Behaviour - Social Behaviour
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
This differing tolerance toward man extends to intraspecific aggregations. The black rhino frequently occurs singly; the square lipped rhino only rarely. Of 16 groups of the latter seen near Inde, single animals were seen only twice - an adult male and a pregnant female with a snare on its leg. Rangers at Inde report that the rhino were commonly seen in groups of a dozen or more, but since regular patrols of the Reserve were initiated, the concomitant disturbance has broken the herds into smaller groups. For this reason, patrols are now kept to a minimum.
Of the 16 herds seen, six consisted of a female and calf; one of an adult male, female and calf; one of 2 adult males and a female; two of 2 adult males; one of an adult male and female; one of 3 males; one of 2 females and 2 calves; one of 2 adult males, a female and calf; and the single animals mentioned above. Of the 13 females seen, ten had calves and at least one was pregnant.

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