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Natal Parks Board, 1952. Extracts from Third Report of the Natal Parks Game and Fish Preservation Board. African Wildlife 6 (2): 185-186
Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Ecology - Food
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
South Africa. Intense dislike would seem evident on the part of both species of rhino for any non-indigenous plant, shrub or article. A Black Rhino which entered he Chief Conservator's garden on numerous occasions persistently destroyed oleanders, tree dahlias and other exotic shrubs. In one night the animal flattened six out of seven Guava trees, but on all occasions indigenous trees and shrubs were left undisturbed.
It is commonly believed that the Black Rhino feeds exclusively on acacia thorn trees. The Chief Conservator watched an adult bull in Hluhluwe leave the acacia shrub and for ten minutes feed on the strong-smelling, mint-like weed Lantana salvifolia.

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