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Mitchell, P.C., 1911. Remarks upon a pair of young African rhinoceroses seen at Mr Hagenbeck's Zoological Park at Stellingen. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1911 June 27: 987-988

Location: World
Subject: Morphology
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Diceros bicornis in Hagenbeck, from East Africa. The male's skin appeared to be smoothly stretched out over the sides of the body. The female's general appearance was very different. At first sight it seemed as if it were in very poor condition, the ribs standing out through the skin, but closer inspection showed that in reality the skin of the flanks was disposed in thick, permanent folds, arranged roughly like ribs. In London's pair, the female had ears unfringed with hair, but the rin-folds on the skin were no more than indicated, although there were very heavy permanent folds around the neck. In the male, ears were fringed with hair, whilst the rib-like folds on the skin were extremely strongly marked.

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