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Medway, Lord, 1977. Mammals of Borneo, field keys and an annotated checklist. Kuala Lumpur, MBRAS (Monograph no. 7), pp. i-xii, 1-172

Location: World
Subject: Taxonomy
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
In the first report of rhinoceroses from Borneo in scientific literature, M?ller (1839-40) could offer as authentication only a secondhand description of a one-horned animal, suggesting the occurrence of the Javan Rhinoceros, Rhinoceros sondaicus Desmarest. A skull of this species was among a small collection purchased by the British Museum in 1859 from a dealer (apparently named Wright) who said that the specimens came from Borneo. Since the other mammals represented in this collection included some species now known not to occur in Borneo (namely the pigs Babirussa and Sus verrucosus) the provenance of all must be doubted. Nonetheless, this skull (reg. no. was later described as Rhinoceros nasalis (Gray, 1867, Proc. zool. Soc. Lond.: 1012), with the repeated attribution to 'Borneo' (see Gray, 1869: 307; no. 723c). R. nasalis is now recognised as a synonym of R. sondaicus sondaicus of Java.

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