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Cuvier, G., 1831. Les collections rassemblees au Cap et aux Indes Orientales par M. Lamarre Picquot. Proces-verbaux des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences 9: 629-631

Location: World
Subject: Taxonomy
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Collections of Lamare Picquot. There was a rhinoceros without horn, of which the nasal bone, although as sturdy as that in the rest of the genus, did not seem to have ever carried a horn as usuual. This is found in both the mother and the young, and makes one think that this is at least a characteristic of a race or a hereditary variety. However, all the other particularities, the tubercles covering the skin, the number and direction of the folds, would appear to say that they were like the species which we have made known as the rhinoceros of Java.

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