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MacMaster, A.C., 1871. Notes on Jerdon s Mammals of India (by an Indian sportsman and lover of natural history). Madras, Higginbotham, pp. i-vi, 1-266

Location: World
Subject: Behaviour - Daily Routine
Species: Sumatran Rhino

Original text on this topic:
I have twice while looking for elephant come upon a rhinoceros, perhaps the same animal in both cases, in a large swamp, in the dense forest north of Shuay Gheen in Burmah, and not far from the beautiful Bogatha stream, but although we must each time have been within a few yards of him as he was wallowing in the mud, and we pushed after him as fast as most men could go, for my guncarrier and I were in good training, and the three-hoofed track was easy to follow, he out-paced us altogether, and I never got more than a dusky glimpse at a dusky hide, not sufficient to warrant a shot.

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