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Neuschulz, N.; Meister, J., 1998. Nashoernern auf der Spur: Leben und uberleben einer stark bedrohten Tierfamilie. Erfurt, Verein der Zooparkfreunde in Erfurt e.V., pp. 1-52

Location: World
Subject: Taxonomy - Evolution
Species: All Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
The first real rhinoceroses of the family Rhinocerotidae lived 50 million years ago in the Eocene. Among those were the largest terrestrial mammals that ever lived on earth. Most of the extinct forms of rhinoceros did not have nasal horns. Horn-bearing kinds lived even in Europe during the ice age 2 million years ago, including the woolly rhinoceros (Fellnashorn) Coelodonta antiquitatis. This characteristic animal of the arctic pleistocene fauna at the end of the last ice age was caused by the drastic change in climate. Bones of the woolly rhinoceros were found in Th?ringen during the demolition of the Travertin-rocks of weimar-Ehringsdorf.

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