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Frame, G.W.; Goddard, J., 1970. Black rhinoceros vocalisations. East African Wildlife Journal 8: 207

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Tanzania
Subject: Ecology - Interspecific Relations
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
At 2100 h, a spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta (Erxleben)) began annoying the calf, and the calf charged it twice while the adult stood motionless. By 2140 h, eight hyaenas were snapping at the calf's tail and left hind leg. Both adult and calf actively wandered in circles, but failed to remain continuously together. The calf was becoming slightly bloodied by the attacking hyaenas, so we interceded and drove off the hyaenas. Apparently, with more time, the hyaenas could easily have killed the calf. We continued to watch the rhinos into the night until they were fully recovered and far from the territory of the hyaena clan. The pair were observed completely recovered one week later.

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