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Hazewinkel, J.C., 1932. A rhino-hunt in Sumatra. Java Gazette 1 (5) Suppl: i-viii, figs. 1-10

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Indonesia - Sumatra
Subject: Morphology
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Sumatra. The Tapirus Indicus or 'saddled' Tapir, is a timid, goodnatured and quite harmless herbivorous animal. Its only weapons are its teeth and bulk (length 2,5 M; height 1,20 M.), for the latter may be used in knocking down and trampling an aggressor. It has on the fore- and hindfeet respectively three and four sharp pointed toes, whereas the Rhino possesses only three, which are more or less circular. For an expert tracker it will be therefore easy enough, to distinguish them from each other.

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