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Western, D., 1983. Chairman's report. Newsletter of the African Elephant and Rhino Group 2: 3-5

Location: World
Subject: Trade
Species: All Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
Rhino group report. An equally vital project is Esmond Bradley Martin's recent survey of the trade in rhino horn in the Far East. The results of his findings are summarized in his report and will form the basis of decisions made at the Harare meeting to close the remaining avenues of trade. There is good reason to think that concerted action now could soon eradicate most of the remaining trade. The African Wildlife Foundation recently spear -headed a publicity campaign that caused North Yemen to ban the import of rhino horns. If successful, the ban could lead to a significant improvement for the black rhino since over 40% of all horns traded found their way into North Yemen durin%he late 1970s. Bradley Martin advocates that similar diplomatic and press campaigns could work in Far Eastern countries.

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