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Barbour, T.; Allen, G.M., 1932. The lesser one-horned rhinoceros. Journal of Mammalogy 13: 144-149, pl. 11

Location: World
Subject: Morphology - Size
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
When full grown, the lesser one-horned species stands nearly as high at the shoulder as the larger, but its bulk is much less. One in the Liverpool Gardens about 1836 is said to have measured 4 feet, 8 inches at the highest part of the back; another, a large female, according to Cockburn (Proc. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, 1884, p. 140) stood 5 feet, 6 inches high. Dollman (1928) gives the height at shoulder as 5 feet, 10 inches.
Pinjih Rhinoceros, male in Serlangor Museum, shot in 1899, stood 5 feet 5 ? inches at the shoulder.

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