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Chilvers, B., 1990. Rhino's last stand in Africa. REF Journal 3: 12-19, figs. 1-3

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - Namibia
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
At the turn of the century an estimated 600 desert rhino inhabited Kaokoveld in northern Namibia and there were another 600 or so in Damaraland to the south. By 1965, less than 100 black rhino remained in all of South West Africa/Namibia.
Since the establishment of a Namibia Wildlife Trust rhino project in 1982, the rhino population in Kaokoveld and Damaraland has grown from 40 to 100.
South West Africa/Namibia's rhino population of 400, including 350 in Etosha National Park, is now considered `stable'.

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