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Lever, C., 1990. Lake Nakuru black rhinoceros sanctuary. Oryx 24 (2): 90-94, figs. 1-4, map 1

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Lake Nakuru (Figure 1) is a shallow alkaline soda lake 71 km? in extent, bordered on the west by a steep and rugged wall of the Rift Valley, with volcanic cliffs rising to 2743 m, and on the east by a salt-dome hill. The lake is encircled by swamps, and the surrounding land supports an and transitional savannah, with the lake's marginal grasslands of salt grass Sporobolus spicatus and sedge Cyperus laevigatus giving way to grasslands of Hyparrhenia hirta and in the lower areas Rhodes grass Chloris gayana. On the higher ground are found: xerophyte forests of Acacia xanthophloea, olive Olea hochstetteri, and Croton dichogamus; Euphorbia candelabrum forest; and bush country dominated by the composites, mulelechwa Tarchonanthus camphoratus and Psadia arabica (IUCN, 1987). All this is prime rhino habitat.

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