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Haywood, C.W., 1927. To the mysterious Lorian swamp: an adventure & arduous journey of exploration through the vast waterless tracts of unknown Jubaland. London, Seeley, Service and Co, pp. 1-275

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Above the Boma of Meru, and all round the lower slopes of Mount Kenya, are thick forests rising about six thousand to eight thousand feet, the trees being mostly podocarpus and cedar. Above this forest belt are the bamboos, which extend to about ten thousand feet; then come open moorland and rocks to the snow-line. Just below the snow-line Alpine vegetation and flowers can be found growing, but mostly on a very rnuch bigger scale than in Europe-giant groundsel, for example, growing four or five feet high. There is no doubt that many of the bigger game, such as elephant, rhino and buffalo, go right up to the snow-line in the dry seasons; presumably they find specially succulent grazing up there.

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