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Kloss, C. Boden, 1927. The one-horned rhinoceros in the Malay Peninsula. Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums 13 (4): 207-208, pl. 5

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Malaysia - Peninsular
Subject: Behaviour - Towards Man
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Both the specimens killed at Pinjih in 1899 and at Kuala Serukoi in 1924 seem to have been extremely savage and given to unprovoked attacks. The Pinjih beast had been the terror of its valley from long before the British occupation (1874) and it was only large and well armed parties that ventured into its neighbourhood. It was known to have killed at least three men on separate occasions and had attacked many others who escaped. 'It would turn aside for no one so it was said; on the contrary, if met in the forest, it would either stand its ground and then slowly and deliberately advance in the direction from which it had been disturbed, or it would charge without warning.
The Telok Anson female rhino came to notice through an attack on a Chinese who was tapping jelutong in the forest. He was charged three times, tossed, and chased into the coolie-lines. She was believed to have killed a man earlier, but a second animal was reported in the neighbourhood though nothing further has been heard of it.

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