user: pass:

R., 1963. Vom Breitmaul- und Spitzmaul-Nashorn (ceratotherium simum und Diceros bicornis) in Suedwestafrika. Mitteilungen der Sud-West Afrika Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft 4 (3): 1-2
Location: Africa - Southern Africa - Namibia
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
[refers to Zukowsky's statement about existence of simum in Tschombobusch and along the Lujana River; the species did exist there formerly]. Jan Gaerdes says there is a rock drawing of white rhino in the Spitzkoppe. The latest record of simum in SWA dates from the 1880's. In those days the last animals were speared by Bantu hunters in the Kaokofeld, in the upper Hoarusib and Ohamuhenguedrift, Kunene. Some very old men still know the name Ekozu for the white rhino.

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