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Barnard, A.M., 1952. The Kaokoveld expedition: some interesting observations. African Wildlife 6 (1): 76-79, figs. 1-4

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - Namibia
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Was stationed in Kaokoveld 1939-1942. I was told by various Europeans who had been in the kaokoveld, and accepted it as a fact, that there are only black rhino in that district. However, after encountering a number of rhino, i was struck by the difference in their appearance, but it was only after seeing a particularly fine specimen of the square-lipped variety between Otjikuvare and Otjovathandu that I was forced to the conclusion that there were both black and white rhinos in that area. I questioned the native residents, who distinguish `Ongava Ondorozu' (black rhino, also known as `Ongava Okatzwii' from the noise it makes) and the `Epandangava' or large rhino. The latter was described as being larger than its black cousin with a broad square mouth, which they demonstrated by placing both clenched fists against the mouth. Since their descriptions confirmed my own observations, I took statements from several natives and submitted these to the secretary of SW Africa with my report. I also mentioned my observations to Col. Denys Reitz, who referred to me as a game warden in `No Outspan.' Steinhardt also mentioned Breitmaul-Nashorn in the Kaokoveld.

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