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Bland-Sutton, J., 1911. Man and beast in Eastern Ethiopia: from observations made in British East Africa, Uganda, and the Sudan. London, MacMillan and Co, pp. i-xii, 1-419

Location: World
Subject: Morphology - Horn
Species: All Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
The horns of the rhinoceros, as its name specifies, grow on its nose : they contain no bony core, yet that portion of the nasal bone which underlies the horns of these huge and ugly beasts has a bony projection, but it does not enter into the composition of the horn, for this part of the rhinoceros is formed from the superficial (epithelial) layer of the skin which undergoes a change termed by physiologists, keratinisation, which means that the part becomes converted into horn. As a matter of fact the horns on the nose of a rhinoceros are from in anatomical point of view a mass of agglutinated hairs.

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