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Stigand, C.H., 1913. Hunting the elephant in Africa and other recollections of thirteen years' wanderings. London, MacMillan, pp. i-xv, 1-379

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa
Subject: Behaviour - Social Behaviour
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
I find in my Diary for 5th November, 1907, 'Came near to Maboloni Hill. Saw seven rhino grazing near the hill and steered the caravan safely past, leaving four about a hundred yards up wind and three about four hundred yards dawn wind.' The next day I find 'Met twelve rhino all in our immediate path. Two were lying down close to where I wanted to set up the plane table. After great difficulty they were persuaded to move, and I began setting up the table when another appeared. Leaving here we came on a party of three lying down near a river bed, one bull, a cow, and a calf. 1 watched the bull maki ng advances to the cow, which were not favourably received, as she got up and prodded him away. They lay down again, and then suddenly all three jumped up and rushed off; I do not know what alarmed them. Going up a narrow spur I met one, and steering round to avoid him came suddenly on two others lying just over the edge of the ridge. 'The cook went down to the river and said that he saw eleven and had to get up a tree.'

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