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Reynolds, E.A.P., 1954. Burma rhino. Burmese Forester 4 (2): 104-108

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Myanmar (Burma)
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Asian Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
The Shwe-u-Daung Game Sanctuary lies in East Katha and Mong Divisions (Mong Mit State) and is 81 square miles in extent, of which 46 sq. miles lies in the Shan State. It was previously constituted for the protection of Rhinoceros sumatrensis (double horned variety), elephant, bion, saing, sambur, serow, barking deer, pig, tiger, leopard and bear. The terrain rises from about 500 feet to over 6200 feet above sea level. The main object of the anctuary is to form a retreat and breeding place for Rhinoceros sumatrensis, and at the same time afford protection to the greatest number of indigenous fauna and flora. A secondary object is to make the sanctuary reasonably accessible to those desiring natural history. During my hot weather tour of the sanctuary in 1948, I estimated that there were probably 4 to 5 individuals of this rare species living in the area. A legend that the mountain `Nats' (spirits), 3 in number do not countenance shooting or poaching in the sanctuary is probably one of the chief deterrent factors in keeping these animals alive, though, during the Japanese occupation, poaching by unscruplous persons was common.

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