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Tun Yin, U, 1954. A supplementary note on the status of rhinoceros and thamin (Panolia eldi thamin) in the Union of Burma, 1953. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 52 (2/3): 301-303

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Myanmar (Burma)
Subject: Distribution - Records
Species: Sumatran Rhino

Original text on this topic:
In July 1948, a track of a rhinoceros was seen on the hills of Pao Tan Bum in Pindung Reserve by gamekeeper La Kyon Nawng and the headman of Mayan village. It is believed that the animal crossed over from the Uyu side and went north along the east bank of Namti and Pidaung Chaung towards Einkling Bum.
In Nov 1947, at a place called Kyaukkaik camp near the source of the Tagwin Chaung, Mogoung Range, tracks of a rhino were reported. It is believed that the animal came from the west, crossed the Tagwin and went eastwards.
In Sep 1948, in Indawgyi Range, tracks of 2 rhino were seen near the border of West Katha and this division near a place called Maingseingyi. The animals are believed to have come from the Uyu drainage and the tracks of an animal indicated that it turned back into that drainage after about a fortnight.

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